
A nerd in hand is worth two in the bush.

Here’s an overview about the services nerdybirdy is able to provide. If you need stuff done or just have questions about the exact scope of services, feel free to contact me.

Native (iOS) or hybrid (iOS & Android), smartphone or tablet: We got your app needs covered.

No matter the size, no matter the context: We create customized full-screen touch applications.

Want to make your screen or billboard interactive? We hand its viewers the remote control.

Websites &
Web Apps
Frontend or backend: we develop mobile-first and make your site or web app accessible for everyone.

Film &
Motion graphics, post production or 3D: We add space and time to your content and bring it to life.

Composition &
Sound Design
A musical track, foley sounds and love for the details: We add and expand the acoustic dimension.